Japanese Company Registration

Japan Trade Organization register Japanese companies/organizations. Registered companies are introduce to overseas companies, who want to do business with Japanese enterprises.

Eligible Companies:
To apply Japan Trade Organization membership, applicant company or organization must have a physical address in Japan. Foreign companies having branch office in Japan are also eligible to apply for registration.

In order to verify information provided by the applicant in the company registration form, Japan Trade Organization may contact applicant company/organization for the accuracy of contents.

Please note that submitting registration form does not guarantee acceptance & registration. All applications will be accepted/rejected after review process.

Japan Trade Organization reserved the rights to refuse/reject any registration application without giving reason.

* Company Registration fee: Japanese Yen 55,000 + JPY 33,000 annual fee = Total JPY 88,000 first year
* Renewal fee (charge annually): Japanese 33,000 per year
Registration fee will be refund if application is refused/rejected. However Japanese Yen 5,500 will be deducted as review charges.

How to Apply:
For Japan Trade Organization membership fill-up, the registration form: Japanese Company Registration Form