January 15, 2021
New designation of a traditional craft
Concerning the new designation of the craft above from Aichi Prefecture, on September 8, 2020, the Traditional Craft Designation Subcommittee of the Manufacturing Industry Committee under the Industrial Structure Council held discussions on the craft and decided to newly designate it as a traditional craft. On January 15, 2021, this designation was announced by a public notice and the craft has been listed accordingly as an item designated by the Minister of Economy, Trade and Industry. The number of designated traditional crafts now comes to 236 items.
Outline of the newly designated craft
As a craft born in the Edo period, costumed dolls and other festival decorations have been passed on to this date together with steadfast traditional skills. In the 19th century, the level of the craft developed to a level considered exceeding that of Sekku Kazari in Kyoto, the advanced area in the field at that time. In 1916, the technique for making the craft was established. Craft persons have continuously been making use of the same main materials since 1903.
The production area is home to a variety of craft persons working under the established, integral production system. Seasonal festivals, or events celebrating births of children and praying for their healthy growth, showing Hina Dolls, Gogatsu Dolls and other decorations became popular among general households in Japan. Against this backdrop, the area succeeded in bringing out various types of products that meet the tastes of people in both western and eastern Japan by taking advantage of a commanding location as the Chubu region as well as in expanding sales channels across Japan.